Alaska Economic Trends
Alaska Economic Trends is a monthly magazine that covers a range of economic topics.
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Alaska Economic Trends are searchable from 1961 to the present using the Trends search page. The search can include any combination of the following: Key Words, Date Range, Author, Category

Forecasts for Anchorage, Fairbanks, Southeast, and statewide

Where these high school grads landed

The number of people aged 18 to 64 peaked in 2013

Cruise ships and the rocky ride since COVID-19 began

Sharp mortgage interest rate rise dents affordability

Robotics is a growing type of automation, including in Alaska.

In 2014, we profiled the first 100 years of Anchorage. Here, we follow up on the city's trajectory since 2015.

Our March 2023 rental survey showed broad rent increases across Alaska areas. Rents went up an average of 7 percent from 2022.

Occupations' turnover rates can shed light on the issue

Alaska's commercial fishing employment has decreased each year since the initial pandemic-induced job losses.

Seaweed and shellfish cultivation in Alaska are relatively new additions to the industry, but they are gaining popularity, and with room to grow. Alaska now ranks 2nd nationally for kelp production, after Maine.
A Look at Teachers and Pay