Alaska Geographic Codes By Place

Downloadable  CSV File

IMPORTANT! Read the following before proceeding:

Instructions for Assigning Geographic Codes to Your Workers

Assign the geographic code that corresponds to the worker’s PRIMARY PLACE OF WORK. For example if you have a central business location in Anchorage but you have a worker that is primarily working in Fairbanks, use the code for Fairbanks. If a worker spends time in more than one place, assign the code for the place that the worker spends the most time.

If the worker was out of state during the entire quarter, use 99. If the worker was working off-shore, use 20. If the worker received wages but did no work over the entire quarter, use 00.

For additional questions about assigning geographic codes refer to the Alaska Occupational Coding Manual, from the middle of page 5 through page 6.

Adak58 Afognak73 AGM Camp41 Akahamut51
Akhiok73 Akiachak52 Akiak52 Akokpak50
Akolmiut52 Akutan57 Alakanuk51 Alatna41
Aleknagik50 Aleneva73 Aleutians East Borough57 Aleutians West Census Area58
Alexander Creek61 Alexandrofsky71 Alitak73 Allakaket41
Alvin Bay90 Ambler33 Amchitka Island58 Anaktuvuk Pass31
Anchor Point71 Anchorage62 Anchorage Municipality62 Anderson47
Andreafsky51 Angelic34 Angoon98 Aniak52
Annette90 Anogok52 Anvik41 Arctic Village41
Atigun Camp31 Atka58 Atkasook31 Atmautluak52
Atqasuk31 Attu58 Auke Bay86 Aurora Johnston44
Aurora Lodge44 Axel Lind Island74

Badger44 Baker41 Baranof87 Bare Island73
Barrow31 Barter Island31 Bartlett44 Bartlett Cove98
Bear Creek71 Beaver41 Beaver Creek34 Beechey Point31
Belkofski57 Bell Island95 Bells Flats73 Beluga Lake71
Berg41 Berners Bay86 Bernice Lake71 Berry44
Bessie No. 5 Dredge34 Bethel52 Bethel Census Area52 Bettles41
Big Bend44 Big Delta46 Big Horn44 Big Hurrah34
Big Lake61 Big Mountain59 Big Port Walter87 Bill Moore's51
Biorka58 Biorka Island87 Birch Creek41 Birch Lake44
Birches41 Birchwood62 Bird62 Bird Creek62
Black51 Bluff34 Bodenburg Butte61 Boka Mountain90
Bornite33 Boswell Bay74 Boundary46 Boyd44
Bradfield River97 Bradley Lake71 Brevig Mission34 Bristol Bay Borough55
Broad Pass61 Broadmoor44 Browerville31 Browne47
Buckland33 Buffalo Soapstone61 Bunker Hill Crossing34 Burnette Inlet97

Cache44 Campbell90 Campion41 Candle33
Cannery Creek79 Cantwell47 Canyon61 Canyon Village41
Cape Fanshaw88 Cape Hinchinbrook74 Cape Lisburne31 Cape Newenham52
Cape Pole90 Cape Rodney34 Cape Romanzof51 Cape Saint Elias74
Cape Sarichef57 Cape Sitkinak73 Cape Spencer98 Cape Thompson31
Cape Yakataga79 Cape York34 Captains Bay58 Carlanna95
Carlo47 Caro41 Caswell61 Cathedral Bluffs46
Catherine Island98 Central41 Chakaktolik51 Chalkyitsik41
Chandalar41 Chandalar Camp31 Chandler Lake31 Chaniliak51
Chaniliut51 Charcoal Point95 Chariot31 Charlieskin Village46
Chase61 Chatanika44 Chatham87 Cheeching52
Chefornak52 Chena Hot Springs44 Chena Ridge44 Chenega74
Chenik71 Chernofski58 Chevak51 Chicago Creek33
Chichagof87 Chickaloon61 Chicken46 Chiftak52
Chignik59 Chignik Lagoon59 Chignik Lake59 Chiniak73
Chinik34 Chisana76 Chisna76 Chistochina76
Chitina76 Chowhoctolik51 Christian41 Chuathbaluk52
Chufatoolik52 Chugach Census Area74 Chugiak62 Chulitna61
Circle41 Circle Hot Springs41 Clam Gulch71 Clark's Point50
Clear47 Clear Air Force Station48 Cleary Summit44 Clifton96
Clover Pass (Knudson Cove),95 Coal Bay90 Coal Creek41 Cobol87
Coffman Cove90 Cohoe71 Cold Bay57 Coldfoot Camp41
College44 Colorado61 Cooper Landing71 Copper Center76
Copper River Census Area76 Cordova74 Corner Bay87 Coronation Island90
Cottonwood61 Council34 Covenant Life85 Crab Bay74
Crafton Island74 Craig90 Crazy Horse Camp31 Cripple Landing41
Crooked Creek52 Crown Point71 Cube Cove98 Culross Bay74

Dahl34 Dall Island90 Dan Creek76 Danger Bay73
Davidson34 Davidson Mountains31 Davidsons Landing34 Dayville74
Deadhorse31 Deadwood41 Deep Bay87 Deer Island97
Deering33 Delta Camp46 Delta Junction46 Denali61
Denali Borough47 Denali National Park47 Diamond47 Diamond Ridge71
Dietrich Camp41 Dillingham50 Dillingham Census Area50 Diomede Village34
Divide71 Dome Camp44 Donnelly46 Dora Bay90
Dot Lake46 Douglas86 Drift River71 Driftwood Bay58
Dunbar41 Dupont86 Dutch Harbor58

Eagle46 Eagle River62 Eagle Village46 Eastchester62
Edna Bay90 Eek52 Egavik34 Egegik59
Eielson Air Force Base44 Eklutna62 Ekuk50 Ekwok50
El Capitan90 Eldred Rock85 Elephant Point33 Elfin Cove98
Elim34 Ellamar74 Elmendorf Air Force Base62 Emanguk51
Emmonak51 English Bay71 Ernest Sound97 Ernestine76
Eska61 Ester44 Etolin Island97 Eureka (Mat-Su),61
Eureka (Yukon-Koy),41 Evansville41 Excursion Inlet85 Eyak74

Fairbanks44 Fairbanks North Star Borough44 Fairmount Island74 Fairview62
Fairway Island87 False Island87 False Pass57 Farewell Landing41
Farm Loop61 Farmers Loop44 Ferry47 Finger Mountain87
Fire Cove95 Fire Island62 Fire Lake62 Fish Hook61
Fish Lake61 Fish Village51 Fishhook41 Five Fingers, The88
Flat41 Folger41 Fort Glenn58 Fort Greely46
Fort Liscum74 Fort Randall57 Fort Richardson62 Fort Wainwright44
Fort Yukon41 Fortuna Ledge51 Forty Mile46 Fox44
Fox River71 Franklin Bluffs Camp31 Freshwater Bay98 Fritz Cove86
Fritz Creek71 Funny River71 Funter Bay98

Gakona76 Galbraith Camp31 Galena41 Gambell34
Game Creek98 Ganes Creek41 Garden Island44 Gardiner Creek Camp46
Garner47 Gateway61 Gedney Pass95 George Inlet95
Georgetown52 Gerstle River46 Gilmore44 Girdwood62
Glacier47 Glacier View61 Glen Alps62 Glennallen76
Goat Creek61 Goddard87 Gold Creek61 Golden74
Goldstream Creek44 Golovin34 Goodnews Bay52 Goose Bay61
Gordon31 Grandview71 Granite Mountain34 Granite Point71
Grant Creek41 Gravina Island95 Grayling41 Greens Creek Mine86
Guard Island95 Gulkana76 Gull Cove98 Gustavus98

Haines85 Haines Borough85 Halibut Bay73 Halibut Cove71
Halibut Point87 Hallersville59 Hamilton51 Hanus Bay98
Happy Valley71 Happy Valley Camp31 Harding Lake44 Hassler Pass95
Hawk Inlet87 Haycock34 Healy47 Healy Lake46
Herendeen Bay57 Herring Cove95 Hess Camp41 Hidden Inlet95
Hobart Bay88 Hogatza41 Holikachuk41 Hollis90
Holy Cross41 Homer71 Honolulu61 Hood Bay98
Hoonah98 Hoonah-Angoon Census Area98 Hooper Bay51 Hope71
Houston61 Hughes41 Humphrey Point31 Hungry Village52
Hunter71 Hurricane61 Huslia41 Hydaburg90

Icy Bay79 Idaho Inlet98 Iditarod41 Igiak51
Igiugig59 Igloo34 Igushik50 Ikatan57
Iliamna59 Indian (Anch Boro),62 Indian (SE Fbks),46 Indian Mountain41
Indian River41 Ingrihak51 Iniskin71 Iron Creek34
Isabel Pass Camp76 Itulilik52 Ivanof Bay59

Jack Wade46 Jakolof Bay71 Jamestown Bay87 Japonski Island87
Johnson River46 Jonesville61 Julius41 Juneau86
Juneau, City and Borough86

Kachemak71 Kaguyak73 Kah Sheets Bay88 Kakhonak Bay59
Kako Landing51 Kaktovik31 Kakwan Point97 Kalifornsky71
Kalla33 Kallands41 Kalsin Bay73 Kalskag52
Kaltag41 Kanakanak50 Kanapak51 Kanatak59
Kantishna47 Karluk73 Kasaan90 Kashega58
Kashegeluk52 Kashiagamiut50 Kashwitna61 Kasigluk52
Kasilof71 Katalla74 Katlian Bay87 Katmai59
Kenai71 Kenai Lake71 Kenai Peninsula Borough71 Kendrick Bay90
Kenney Lake76 Kennicott76 Kern62 Ketchikan95
Ketchikan Gateway Borough95 Keystone Camp74 Kiana33 Kinegnak52
King Cove57 King Island34 King Salmon55 Kingegan34
Kipnuk52 Kitoi Bay73 Kivalina33 Kiwalik33
Klag Bay87 Klakas Inlet90 Klatt Road62 Klawak90
Klawock90 Klery Creek33 Klukwan98 Knik61
Knik River61 Knik-Fairview61 Knudson Cove (Clover Pass),95 Kobuk33
Kodiak73 Kodiak Island Borough73 Kodiak Station73 Koggiung55
Kokrines41 Kokruagarok31 Koliganek50 Kongiganak52
Kotlik51 Kotzebue33 Kougarok34 Koyuk34
Koyukuk41 Kravaksarak51 Kulis62 Kupreanof88
Kusilvak Census Area51 Kuskokwim52 Kuskovak52 Kustatan71
Kuzitrin River34 Kvichak59 Kwethluk52 Kwigillingok52
Kwiguk51 Kwikpak51 Kwinhagak52

Labouchere Bay90 Ladd71 Lake and Peninsula Borough59 Lake Clark59
Lake Eva87 Lake George62 Lake Hood62 Lake Louise61
Lake Minchumina41 Lakes61 Lakeview71 Lamont51
Lane61 Larsen Bay73 LaTouche74 Lawing71
Lazy Bay73 Lazy Mountain61 Lemeta-Johnston44 Lemon Creek86
Lena Cove86 Letnikof Cove85 Levelock59 Libbyville55
Lignite47 Lime Village52 Lisianski98 Little Diomede34
Little Naukati Bay90 Little Port Walter87 Little Willow Creek61 Livengood41
Long Island61 Loring95 Lost River34 Lowell Point71
Lower Fire Lake62 Lower Kalskag52 Lower Mendenhall Valley86 Lower Tonsina76
Lucky Shot Landing61 Lupine Camp31 Lynn Canal86

MacKenzie Point61 Makushin58 Manley Hot Springs41 Manokotak50
Marine/Offshore20 Marshall51 Marvel Creek52 Mary Island90
Mary's Igloo34 Matanuska61 Matanuska-Susitna Borough61 May Creek (Val-Cord),76
May Creek(NW Arctic),33 McCallum Creek46 McCarthy76 McCord73
McGrath41 McKinley Park47 Meade River31 Meadow Lake61
Meakerville74 Medfra41 Mekoryuk52 Mellicks Trading Post52
Mendeltna Lodge76 Mendenhall Flats86 Mentasta Lake76 Merrill Field62
Mertarvik52 Meshik59 Metlakatla90 Meyers Chuck97
Miller House41 Minto41 Mission Road73 Mitkof Island88
Montana61 Montana Creek46 Moody47 Moose Creek (Bethel),52
Moose Creek(Fbk),44 Moose Pass71 Moose Valley85 Moquawkie71
Moraine74 Morzhovoi57 Moser Bay73 Moses Point34
Mosquito Lake85 Mount Deborah46 Mount Edgecumbe87 Mountain Point95
Mountain View62 Mountain Village51 Mud Bay95 Mud Bay85
Mumtrak52 Murphy Dome44

Nabesna76 Nakeen50 Naknek55 Nakwasina Cove87
Nancy61 Nanvarnarluk52 Nanwalek71 Napaimiut52
Napaiskak52 Napakiak52 Napaskiak52 Nash Harbor52
Naukati90 Neets Bay95 Nelson Island52 Nelson Lagoon57
Nenana41 New Hamilton51 New Knockhock51 New Stuyahok50
Newhalen59 Newtok52 Nightmute52 Nikishka71
Nikiski71 Nikolaevsk71 Nikolai41 Nikolski58
Nilak51 Nilikluguk52 Nililak51 Ninilchik71
Noatak33 Noatak River33 Nogamut52 Nolan41
Nome34 Nome Census Area34 Nondalton59 Nonvianuk Lake59
Noorvik33 North Douglas86 North Nenana41 North Pole44
North River34 North Slope Borough31 Northeast Cape34 Northway46
Northway Village46 Northwest Arctic Borough33 Norton Sound34 Nowitna River41
Noyes Island90 Nuchek74 Nuiqsut31 Nuka Island71
Nulato41 Nunachuak50 Nunachuk52 Nunaka Valley62
Nunam Iqua51 Nunapitchuk52 Nunivak Island52 Nushagak50
Nuyakuk Lake50 Nuyakuk River50 Nyac52

O'Brien Creek46 Ocean Cape79 Odiak Slough74 Ohogamiut51
Old Andreafsky51 Old Harbor73 Old Kvichak59 Old Man Camp41
Old Ninilchik71 Old Rampart41 Old Tyonek71 Olga Bay73
Olsen Island74 Ophir41 Orca74 Oscarville52
Outside of Alaska99 Ouzinkie73

Paimiut41 Paingakmeut52 Palmer61 Parks52
Pastolik51 Pauloff Harbor57 Pavlof57 Paxson76
Peak Island74 Pedersen Point (Sitka),87 Pederson Point (Bristol Bay),55 Pedro Bay59
Pedro Dome44 Pelican98 Peninsula Point95 Pennock Island95
Perkinsville34 Perry Island74 Perryville59 Peters Creek62
Peters Creek North61 Petersburg88 Petersburg Census Area88 Petersville61
Pikmiktalik51 Pile Bay59 Pilgrim Springs34 Pilot Point59
Pilot Station51 Pitkas Point51 Pittman61 Platinum52
Pleasant Camp85 Point Baker90 Point Barrow31 Point Higgins95
Point Hope31 Point Lay31 Point Possession71 Point Retreat98
Point Spencer34 Poorman41 Pope-Vannoy Landing59 Porcupine85
Port Alice90 Port Alsworth59 Port Althorp98 Port Armstrong87
Port Ashton74 Port Bailey73 Port Chilkoot85 Port Clarence34
Port Conclusion87 Port Frederick98 Port Graham71 Port Heiden59
Port Hobron73 Port Houghton88 Port Lions73 Port Moller57
Port Nellie Juan74 Port O'Brien73 Port Protection90 Port Vita73
Port Wakefield73 Port Whitshed74 Port William73 Portage62
Portage Creek50 Portage Junction62 Portlock71 Potter62
Premier Spur61 Pribilof Islands58 Primrose71 Prince of Wales-Hyder Cenus Area90
Princess Bay95 Prospect Camp41 Protection Point50 Prudhoe Bay31

Quartz Creek71 Quinhagak52

Railroad City41 Rainbow62 Rainy Pass61 Rampart41
Ratz Harbor90 Received wage but did not work00 Red Bay90 Red Devil52
Red Dog Mine33 Red Salmon55 Redfish Cape87 Refuge Cove95
Rex47 Ridgeway71 Rodman Bay87 Rogers Park62
Roosevelt Harbor97 Rose Inlet90 Rowan Bay90 Ruby41
Russian Mission51 Russian River Rendezvous71

Saginaw Bay90 Saint George Island58 Saint James Bay85 Saint John Baptist Bay87
Saint John Harbor97 Saint Lawrence Island34 Saint Marys51 Saint Matthew Island52
Saint Michael34 Saint Paul Island58 Salamatof71 Salcha44
Salmon41 Salmon Creek86 Salt Chuck90 San Juan74
San Juan Hatchery74 Sanak Island57 Sand Bay58 Sand Lake62
Sand Point57 Saook Bay87 Savonoski55 Savoonga34
Sawyers Landing98 Saxman95 Scammon Bay51 Schulze Cove87
Scobys46 Section House Lake61 Security Bay90 Sedanka Island58
Selawik33 Seldovia71 Serpentine Hot Springs34 Seventymile46
Seward71 Shageluk41 Shakan90 Shaktoolik34
Shaw Creek46 Shearwater Bay73 Sheep Creek86 Sheep Creek Camp74
Sheep Mountain61 Sheldon Point51 Shelton34 Shemya58
Sherman61 Shesualek33 Shishmaref34 Shoal Cove95
Shrimp Bay95 Shumagin Islands57 Shungnak Village33 Shuyak Island73
Silvertip71 Sinona Lodge76 Sinuk34 Sitka87
Sitka Logging Camp87 Sitka, City and Borough87 Sitkinak Island73 Situk79
Skagway96 Skagway Municipality96 Skilak Lake71 Skwentna61
Slana76 Sleetmute52 Slope Camp31 Smeaton Bay95
Snag Point50 Snettisham86 Snug Harbor71 Soldotna71
Solomon34 Sourdough76 South Cape Chirikof73 South Fork Lodge46
South Naknek55 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area46 Sparrevohn52 Spenard62
Spruce Island73 Squaw Harbor57 Steamboat Bay90 Stebbins34
Sterling71 Sterling Landing41 Stevens Village41 Stony River52
Strawberry Point98 Stuart Creek76 Stuyahok41 Sulatna Crossing41
Sullivan Camp34 Sumdum88 Summit61 Summit Lodge76
Sunrise71 Sunshine61 Suntrana47 Susitna61
Sutton61 Swanson River71 Swikshak73 Switzer Creek86

Tahneta Pass61 Takotna41 Takshak51 Taku Harbor86
Taku Lodge86 Talkeetna61 Tanacross46 Tanaina61
Tanalian Point59 Tanana41 Tangle Lakes46 Tanunak52
Tatalina41 Tatitlek74 Taylor34 Taylor Creek52
Tazlina Lodge76 Tee Harbor86 Telida41 Teller34
Teller Mission34 Ten Mile46 Tenakee Springs98 Terror Bay73
Tetlin46 Tetlin Junction46 Thane86 Thomas Bay88
Thomas Bay(Gulf),74 Thome Place97 Thompson Pass74 Thorne Bay90
Thorne Island90 Tiekel76 Tigara31 Tikchik Lake50
Tikikluk31 Tin City34 Tobenkof Bay90 Todd87
Tofty41 Togiak50 Tok46 Tokeen90
Toksook Bay52 Tolkat47 Tolovana41 Tolsona Lake76
Tolstoi41 Tonsina76 Toolik Camp31 Trading Bay71
Trapper Creek61 Tree Point95 Tuklung Village50 Tuluksak52
Tunnel71 Tuntutuliak52 Tununak52 Turnagain62
Tustumena Lake71 Tuxekan90 Twelvemile Arm90 Twin Hills50
Twin Peaks95 Two Rivers44 Tyee98 Tyler Logging Camp97

Uganik73 Ugashik59 Ukivok34 Umiat31
Umkumiut52 Umnak58 Umnak Island58 Unalakleet34
Unalaska58 Unalaska Bay58 Unga57 Ungalikthluk50
Unimak57 Union Bay97 University44 Upper Kalskag52
Usibelli47 Utica33 Utopia41 Utqiagvikÿ31
Uyak73 Uzinki73

Valdez74 Vank Island88 Venetie41 View Cove90
Village Island73

Wacker95 Wainwright31 Wales34 Ward Cove95
Warm Spring Bay87 Warren Cove90 Washington Bay90 Wasilla61
Waterfall90 West Fairwest44 West Foreland71 West Juneau86
West Petersburg88 Wevok31 Whale Passage90 White Mountain34
Whitestone Logging Camp98 Whitewater Bay98 Whitney62 Whittier74
Wide Bay59 Wild Lake41 Wildwood Station71 Willow61
Willow Creek76 Windham Bay88 Windy47 Wiseman41
Womens Bay73 Wood River50 Woodchopper41 Woodland Park62
Woodrow71 Woody Island73 Wortmanns74 Wrangell97
Wrangell, City and Borough97

Yakobi Island98 Yakutat79 Yakutat, City and Borough79 Yes Bay95
York34 Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area41

Zachar Bay73 Zarembo Island97